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About Us

Hi, I am Sameer Shamsudeen, A passionate and addicted Web Developer, Blogger and Software Engineer. TopBloggerMethods.com founded in 2023. TopBloggerMethods.com is a blog where you find unique and high quality professional articles on how-tos, blogging, make money online, technology and search engine optimization (SEO).

Sameer Shamsudeen is running a number of sites from his living room. He is an experienced Web Developer, Blogger and Software Engineer. In August 2023 Sameer Shamsudeen launched this blog which is now serving tons of quality articles daily to a much broader audience. Sameer Shamsudeen started blogging in August 2023 just after resigning from his job as a software engineer. His thirst for learning and understanding latest web technologies like HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Bootstrap and WordPress equipped him with an excellent art of web designing. He is now a web designer and web developer by all rights without having taken any professional training.

The purpose of publishing TopBloggerMethods.com Blog was to provide high quality how-to tutorials, Blogging tips, Online earning methods, technology news, web designing tutorials and practical search engine optimization (SEO) tips. Each post is published with a hope so that every person may learn the core basics to establish him as a skilled geek and act as a rich resource to the community and make a happy living online.

My advice to new Bloggers:

When you try to do something innovative in life, people will tell you that you cannot do it but when you prove that you can, the same person would ask you: How you did it? So don't give up and keep blogging humbly.

Blogging requires a lot of patience than hard work. It lets you to communicate with a multicultural online world of 3 Billion+ people, each of them is eager to find out, what you have got to share. So respect this opportunity and work hard with sincerity. Blog only to spread knowledge and love. Give more value to quality content, respect copyrights, your readers and hate Blogging for money alone.

Wishing you a happy blogging career. Stay blessed and be happy always.